Ostlund Christmas Tree Farm

Your Family's Holiday Tradition

About Us


We are a family-owned and operated cut-your-own Christmas tree operation. We began planting seedlings in 1986 while raising and homeschooling our four children. We marketed our first trees in 1993. We currently farm on a part-time basis, while enjoying our full-time retirement.

Our mission is to offer our loyal customers a unique holiday tradition while providing them with a quality Christmas tree. In addition to selecting and cutting the family’s holiday tree, our customers explore amongst the tree rows for the hidden candy cane tree! All our trees are mechanically shaken to remove loose needles and debris, then pulled through plastic netting for ease of loading and transport. A free ornament is also available with each tree sold; customers select these off our decorated tree in the red wreath shed.

Springhouse Door

Santa Sign with DanOur motto: "You can get a tree anywhere but where else can you get this holiday experience?"

Whereas our farm constitutes 100 acres, approximately 15 acres are planted in Christmas trees. We re-plant each species annually in early-spring. Each year, every tree 3’ and larger, is sheared and shaped. All trees are sprayed for insect management and fertilized for maximum density and rich color. The grass rows between the trees are mowed regularly during the summer months. Our trees are not irrigated; we are 100% reliant upon nature to provide the trees with the necessary moisture and productive growing conditions.



Family and operation photos

Ours is a family operation and these are photos of our family and the tree farm operation. Please click the Thumbnail panels (1, 2, 3 - below left) to view the photos.


  • Kids with tees
  • Isaac and Buffy
  • Santa sign with Dan
  • Grumpy workers
  • Tree shaking
  • Hot chocolate sellers
  • Avery driving
  • Dan loading tree
  • Nate in lederhosen
  • Nate riding into station
  • Isaac and Fred in lederhosen
Thumbnail panels:
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